SantaThingSantaThing Entry #298

LibraryThing member susanna.fraser

Book tastes

I'm fairly omnivorous, though my favorite genres in fiction are fantasy, science fiction, and romance. I'm always hoping to find another author/series I'll love as much as Martha Wells's Murderbot, Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London, or pretty much anything by Lois McMaster Bujold. I also enjoy a lot of nonfiction, especially history and popular science.

Don't get this!

Literary fiction unless it's on my wishlist.

Other notes

My wishlist is up-to-date and extensive, and it might be best to shop from there because Amazon can be a jerk about letting you exchange a gift book even if it's something you've already read (or something you've tried and know isn't for you). But if you think you know where I can find my next Murderbot/Rivers of London/Bujold and the author isn't already in my library, go for it!


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