SantaThingSantaThing Entry #295
LibraryThing member inpariswithyou
Book tastes
I prefer gay (male) fiction, both literary and genre (primarily fantasy and science fiction), as well as poetry. There are a few nonfiction topics I like -- ancient civilizations, gay history/theory, mythology. YA is okay, but no middle-school stuff. I also love the Classics -- Jane Austen is my favorite author. And Jane Eyre is amazing, but Wuthering Heights is the worst.
Don't get this!
Nonfiction, unless it's one of those pet topics I mentioned. Heterosexual romance. No e-books under any circumstance! I'm also not privy to used books. Also, obviously, no books that I already have, unless it's a fancy collector's edition (that I don't have, obviously).
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