SantaThingSantaThing Entry #273

LibraryThing member Peace2

Book tastes

I like fantasy and science fiction. I read a fair amount of crime & thrillers (although a fairly large number of these tend to be audio versions borrowed from the library). I like readable history and books about other places (as in not too heavy duty or formal). Taking a look at my 'finished in 2024' or 'completed' collections will give an idea of things I've finished and how much I enjoyed them (less than 3 stars was a real struggle to finish or I didn't like it when I had).
During the year, most of my books tend to be bought 2nd hand or in audible sales.
Due to some life stuff right now, I’m in need of more positive reads – so nothing too heavy and depressing this year please.

Don't get this!

Although I have read a few political biographies, please avoid this area as the books I have read in this area tend to be borrowed from the library and have normally had a specific draw that has led me to select them (the exception would be if they are mentioned specifically in my wishlist)
I rarely read romances, so again, unless you're convinced it's an absolute winner, it's probably better to avoid this. Nothing too heavy or depressing.

Other notes

Please could you pick paperback editions.
Feel free to take a look at my Wishlist for things that have caught my eye over the last year or two as things I might like to try, but don't feel confined to it.
Books that I already own but haven't got around to reading yet are listed in both my 'To read' and my 'books on ipad to be read' collections.
I have started reading Terry Pratchett's books commencing back at the beginning - if you choose something by him please see the Wishlist for the titles I need as I own some titles already (the next in the series is Maskerade and that would be a great pick as a starting point if you need one).
I also love receiving recommendations even if they don't make the cut for the picks for Santathing - but rather things to look out and add to my wishlist for the future.


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