• Handbook of artificial intelligence at work inte&hellip; / <nobr>Garcia-Murillo, Martha<nobr>
  • Artificial intelligence and the law: cybercrime&hellip; / <nobr><nobr>
  • Modified: living as a cyborg / <nobr><nobr>
  • Artificial intelligence and market abuse legislat&hellip; / <nobr>Annunziata, Filippo<nobr>
  • The measure of all minds: evaluating natural and&hellip; / <nobr>Hern&aacute;ndez-Orallo, Jos&eacute;<nobr>
  • The reasonable robot: artificial intelligence and&hellip; / <nobr>Abbott, Ryan<nobr>
  • Service in the Al Era science, logic and archite&hellip; / <nobr>Spohrer, Jim<nobr>
  • Artificial intelligence, computational modelling&hellip; / <nobr>Quattrocolo, Serena<nobr>
  • Intelligenza artificiale e responsabilit&copy; ci&hellip; / <nobr>Di Martino, Assunta<nobr>
  • Intelligenza artificiale un approccio moderno / <nobr>Russell, Stuart J.<nobr>
  • Digital competition law in Europe: a concise gui&hellip; / <nobr>Wiggers, Marc<nobr>
  • Law and artificial intelligence regulating AI and&hellip; / <nobr>Custers, Bart<nobr>